Une puce dans la grosse pomme

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

New-York Children

Ce soir, nous sommes invitées au vernissage de l'expo photo de mon ami Danny dont je suis une fan inconditionnelle (en plus, j'ai encadré les photos et je suis pas peu fiere ... sauf si elles se cassent la gueule !). Un petit mot du projet : photographier un enfant de chaque pays sur terre (192 pays), l'enfant vivant sur New-York city (Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, Staten Island) . Il lui manque pour l'instant 48 pays, et ce soir c'est une présentation d'une partie de son travail . Lien de son site : http://www.nychildren.org/ .

En ces temps obscurs, l'origine du projet donne a réfléchir :

I was driving cross-country with my girlfriend at the time and we met this guy from a Sikh community. We met him because we were introduced by a friend and what I knew before we met him is that three days after 9/11 his older brother was planting a tree in the memory of the victims and someone drove by and shot him dead in cold blood because he was wearing a Sikh turban and a beard. We knew this during the interview, a horribly tragic thing to talk about. What we found out during the interview is that 11 months later a second brother was shot to death while driving his taxi in San Francisco. All his money was left in the pocket; it was clearly another hate crime. Here was a guy who lost two brothers by hate crime within a year after 9/11.

He then said something that was the inspiration for the project. He said that he knew it was important for him to do the effort and get out of the house to meet his neighbors because he though that if the neighbors knew him it would reduce the danger for him and his family to be victims of a hate crime.
I said myself that when I get to New York I am going to photograph a child of every country in the world so all can meet the people through the photos and get to know the neighbors and cultures of the people living in New York
Bref, une démarche intelligente ... ne pas condamner son voisin mais tenter de la connaitre ...




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